Never wait for the storm to pass, just dance in the rain.


Something You Shound Not Do

  1. 删减、归纳审稿人的意见————有逃避问题的嫌疑
  2. 在response中疯狂解释原文内容没问题,不需要修改————存在没有吸取审稿意见的嫌疑
  3. 长篇大论、语无伦次的解释————这个问题很大,而且你脑子不清楚
  4. 因为不需要回复而隐藏定性评价————其他审稿人发现了会认为:隐藏这部分是因为这些文字对你不利(比如建议reject等)


  1. 把意见分条,逐条回答
  2. 回复时指出修改内容对应文中的章节和位置
  3. 针对大部分问题,类似创新性不强、相关性不够、某一部分没讲清楚等等,都可以用以下三段式
    1. 谢谢你的意见
    2. 是我们没写清楚
    3. 我们已经加强了相关部分,把口口口口强调出来。本文的口口口口就在于…
  4. 审稿人认为你引文不够,分两种情况
    1. 你引文确实不够————那就老老实实加
    2. 审稿人定向推荐了几篇论文————那就老老实实帮他增加引用量吧
  5. 审稿人要求补实验
    1. 补了,且结果有用,加进去
    2. 补了,且结果没用,说明情况并讨论原因
    3. 补不了,但有必要,根据具体原因找替代方案
    4. 补不了,但没必要,还是要找替代方案,不能让审稿人觉得你怂了



  1. 看到“鬼”了,大多数情况下是视觉后效
  2. 梦境反应的是潜意识
  3. 经常与自己沟通,心理暗示远远比你想象的更重要




  1. 眼球左上:回忆
  2. 眼球左下:思考,与自己对话
  3. 眼球右上:创造视觉想象(说谎)
  4. 眼球右下:感受情感、触觉
  5. 眼球向左、向右平视:思考,弄懂别人的话
  6. 眨眼频率先变快后变慢:很有可能在说假话
  7. 长时间凝视对方:极度自信,目空一切


  1. 眉毛上扬:积极情绪
  2. 皱眉:防护性、侵略性
  3. 耸眉:不愉快、无可奈何


  1. 鼻孔长大:兴奋、紧张、恐惧
  2. 鼻头冒汗:焦躁、紧张
  3. 鼻子提起:轻蔑


  1. 咬嘴唇:认真、专注
  2. 缩拢嘴唇:否定
  3. 嘴角上扬/下拉:高兴/沮丧
  4. 嘴唇圆满呈现:放松
  5. 嘴唇闭起来:紧张



  1. 抬头:有意投入
  2. 低头:谦卑、害羞
  3. 点头/摇头:同意/否定
  4. 歪头:示弱(头和脸向一侧歪,露出脖颈)、怀疑(下巴向一侧歪)
  5. 猛然上扬:惊讶
  6. 僵直:无畏或者无聊


  1. 吐舌头:专注,或是为了缓解紧张以表示准备完毕
  2. 舔嘴唇:压力大
  3. 露出舌尖:调皮

  1. 尖塔式:自信
  2. 交叉式:压力、焦虑
  3. 竖起大拇指:优越感
  4. 双手摊开:真诚、坦率
  5. 双手紧握:显示力量、安全感
  6. 双手插兜:不打算行动
  7. 双手冻结(手部动作大大减少):精神紧张,大概率在说谎
  8. 搓手、摩拳擦掌:期待、自信
  9. 摸鼻子:内心换乱,紧张
  10. 摸下巴:自我安慰
  11. 摸耳朵:紧张、抗拒、说谎,说话喜欢摸耳朵的人通常心思超极细腻


  1. 收紧或合于身前:防御
  2. 手臂挥动:高兴
  3. 手臂下沉:消极情绪
  4. 张开双臂:放松
  5. 背在身后:自信
  6. 叉腰:维护权威
  7. 双手抱头,打开手臂:投降,或者极度放松、声明统治权

  1. 双腿抖动:兴奋、高兴
  2. 双腿交叉:放松、自信
  3. 跷二郎腿:舒服、自信
  4. 双腿分开站立:有信心、膨胀
  5. 脚踝相扣:克制情绪、隐藏信息
  6. 双脚转向:期望离开
  7. 脚跟着地、脚尖上翘:心情很好
  8. 双脚冻结:遇到威胁



  1. 色彩的温度:有冷到暖->蓝色,绿色,紫色,黄色,红色
  2. 色彩的重量:搬家用浅色的白箱,保险柜用深色的黑箱
  3. 色彩的距离感:蓝色的汽车遇到的追尾事故比红色的汽车要多,因为冷色系让人感觉更远
  4. 色彩的时间感:浅色让人感觉到的时间变慢,深色让人感觉到的时间变快


  1. 红色:行动者
  2. 蓝色:思想者
  3. 黄色:领导者
  4. 绿色:和平主义者





  • 补偿法:用新的目标代替原本失败的目标
  • 发泄法:语言上的发泄或者肢体上的发泄






























































































  1. 未及时改变时间规划,疲于奔命,总感觉时间不够用
  2. 升值后故步自封,不再有更长远的职业规划





















  • 胆汁质:精力旺盛,勇敢果断
  • 多血质:活泼好动,情感外露
  • 粘液质:沉稳,有耐心,自信心强
  • 抑郁质:稳定情感产生很慢,但对情感的体验深刻、有力、持久,且具有高度的情绪易感性









  1. 250定律:每一位客户身后都会有大约250位亲朋好友
  2. 哈默定律:不仅抓住客户的显性需求,还会替客户深度挖掘隐性需求
  3. 跨栏定律:不断打破自己的销售记录
  4. 移情效应:爱屋及乌
  5. 兴趣效应:志趣相投的人之间更容易熟识并建立起融洽的关系
  6. 赞美效应:人类最基本的共同点,就是渴望被别人赞美,以及成为重要人物的欲望
  7. 80/20法则:80%的业务来自20%的客户
  8. 博内特定律:要想占领市场的销售份额,首先要占领人们的头脑,占领了人们的头脑,就获得了人们足够的注意力
  9. 互惠原理:亏欠感让客户想你靠拢
  10. 二选一法则:不要让客户选择要不要,让客户选要这个还是要那个
  11. 逆反心理:越不卖,客户越要买(饥饿营销)
  12. 名人效应:沾名人的光,商品卖得更好

The Process of a Bitcoin Transaction

Suppose that Alice is transferring 8 bitcoins to Bob, the process goes like this:

  1. To initiate a Bitcoin transaction, Alice needs to have: address, private key, wallet
  2. Alice signs her bitcoins in the wallet using the private key, transfers to Bob to initiate a transaction
  3. Through the Internet, the transaction information start to broadcast to nodes on bitcoin-net
  4. A node packs the transaction into the candidate block and starts hash calculation, which is called mining, to win the bookkeeping right
  5. A node successfully mines, broadcasts to the whole network, generates new blocks and adds them to the end of the chain
  6. Each node acknowledges that it will continue to add blocks after former ones. Mining nodes receive bitcoin rewards. Generally, the transaction is permanently retained after 6 blocks are added
  7. Bob gets transferred bitcoins (expressed as UTXO of the transaction)

Five Key Technologies

In order to achieve a successful bitcoin transaction, the following five key technologies are needed:

  • Distributed ledger and decentralized network
  • Unused transaction output (UTXO)
  • The data structure of bitcoin blockchain
  • Proof of workload consensus mechanism
  • Bitcoin mining mechanism and generation mechanism

Distributed ledger and decentralized network

Bitcoin network does not have a central server. It is composed of many full nodes and light nodes. Among them:

  • Full nodes contain block data of all bitcoin blockchains;
  • Light nodes only include data related to them.

Compared to traditional centralized transaction system, the Bitcoin uses a distributed ledger in which users open “accounts,” strictly speaking, addresses. Everyone can set up an “account” on the bitcoin blockchain and get a pair of a public key and a private key. The address is the hash value of the public key. We interact with the address through the private key.

Each of us has a wallet, which stores a private key. When two people transfer bitcoin to each other, they can do it directly through their wallet software.

Here, the decentralization of bitcoin is reflected in the fact that there is no longer a centralized organization for centralized management of ledgers. The account books are stored in the decentralized network composed of many nodes; there is no longer a centralized organization to help us manage accounts and deal with transactions. Everyone manages their own wallets, and the transactions are recorded by the distributed account books.

Some people will ask whether the bitcoin in our address is recorded in the account book or whether there seems to be a “centre” to store our assets. In fact, this ledger is stored in the decentralized network in a distributed way, so from this perspective, it can be seen as decentralized.

In contrast, for centralized online payment systems, centralized servers usually manage centralized ledgers. For the bitcoin system, the system behind it is a decentralized network, and network nodes jointly maintain a distributed ledger.

(to be continued)

What is decentralization

Here we illustrate it by means of comparison.

There have always been three forms of “currency” in the digital world:

  • Centralized online payment: Paypal, Alipay, Apple Pay…
  • Centralized computer points or Internet points: Game coins…
  • Decentralized e-cash: Bitcoin, ETH…

Comparison of three forms and cash in the physical world:

Cash in physical world Centralized e-cash Centralized computer points Decentralized e-cash
Issuance Centralized Centralized Centralized Decentralized
Transaction Decentralized Centralized Centralized Decentralized

The relationship between three forms and cash in the physical world:

Cash in physical world Centralized e-cash Centralized computer points Decentralized e-cash
Map physical currency? / Yes No No
Self-issue? / No Yes Yes

What is the decentralization of Bitcoin

From the shallower to the deeper, it has the following aspects:

  1. Decentralization of transactions (Automatic)
  2. Decentralization of transactions (Autonomous)
  3. Decentralization of issuance (Automatic)
  4. Decentralization of issuance (Autonomous)
  5. Partial decentralization of network (Distributed network)
  6. Decentralization of network (Fully open, non-trust-based)
  7. Coordinated community (Coordinated and managed by people)
  8. Completely decentralized community (Autonomous achieved by mechanism)

Later, in the process of developing and applying blockchain technology, we have to adjust from the most extreme ideal state to the practical direction.

Most blockchain projects are now managed by foundations. For example, Ethereum is co-ordinated between founder Vitalik Butlin and the Ethereum foundation, rather than being fully autonomous as the bitcoin community.

How does blockchain decentralize bitcoin

Main design principles of blockchain system:

  • A true point-to-point e-cash should allow direct online payments from the originator to the other party without the need to go through a third party financial institution.
  • Although the existing digital signature technology provides some solutions, if a trusted third-party organization is needed to prevent “double payment”, the main benefits (Brought by e-cash) will be lost.
  • To solve the problem of “double payment” in e-cash, we provide a solution with point-to-point network technology.
  • The network stamps the transaction records, hashes the transaction records, and merges them into a growing chain, which is composed of hash based proof of work. If we don’t redo the proof of work, the records can’t be changed.
  • The longest chain is not just proof of the sequence of events observed, but also proof that it is generated by the largest pool of CPU processing power. As long as the computer nodes that control most CPU processing power don’t attack the network itself (with the attacker), they will generate the longest chain, leaving the attacker behind.
  • The network itself needs only the simplest structure. The information can be broadcast in the whole network as much as possible. The node can leave and rejoin the network at any time, only need (when rejoining) take the longest workload proof chain as the proof of the transaction occurred during the offline period of the node.

Four key features by William Mougayar:

  1. Point to point electronic transactions;
  2. No need for financial institutions;
  3. Encrypting evidence rather than centralized credit;
  4. Credit exists in the network, not in a central institution.

Five key points of bitcoin system design:

Decentralized point-to-point e-cash system

What bitcoin needs to do is a “point-to-point e-cash system”, in which the sender and the receiver deal directly without the intervention of intermediaries.

In order to remove the trusted third party and other intermediaries, we need to solve the “double blossom problem”. In the summary, Nakamoto presents a point-to-point network solution, and introduces the core of the solution - blockchain. He didn’t mention the word block chain, but in the paper he mentioned the two concepts of block and chain respectively.

Distributed ledger

The blockchain of bitcoin is a data block with time stamp and data storage and a chain connected by hash pointer based on workload proof.

This chain, or ledger, is stored on nodes of bitcoin network in a distributed way, so it is also called distributed ledger.

Proof of workload

Nodes in bitcoin network perform encryption hash calculation according to rules to compete for the right to generate new blocks. After the node wins the competition, it gets the bookkeeping right. When it generates a block and becomes the latest block, it gets the mining reward corresponding to the new block.

Workload proof is also the security mechanism of blockchain account book. This chain cannot be modified without redoing the large amount of calculation required by “proof of workload”, which ensures the reliability of the data on the blockchain.

Longest chain principle

At any moment, the longest chain is the final record accepted by all.

Since the longest chain is completed by the main computing power in the network, as long as they do not cooperate with attackers, the longest chain they generate is reliable. This principle is called the “longest chain principle”.

Decentralized network

Bitcoin’s decentralized network architecture is very simple and requires very little infrastructure. It can run on the Internet network. Computer nodes can leave or join the decentralized network at any time. When they join, they only need to follow the longest chain principle.


Brief History

  • 1983, David Chaum first proposed to use encryption technology in digital cash
  • 1998, Wei Dai’s B coin first introduced the idea of creating currency by solving calculation problems and decentralized consensus, but the proposal did not give a specific method to achieve decentralized consensus.
  • 2005, Hal Finney introduced the concept of “reusable proof of work” (RPOW), which uses the idea of b-coin and the hash cash problem proposed by Adam Baker to create cryptology currency. However, this concept is once again lost in idealization because it relies on trusted computing as the back end.
  • May/2007, Nakamoto Satoshi started the Bitcoin project
  • August/2008, Nakamoto Satoshi registered domain name bitcoin.org
  • 31/Obtober/2008, Nakamoto Satoshi sent an email to all members of a cryptography mailing list entitled “bitcoin: peer-to-peer e-cash thesis.”
  • 16/November/2008, Nakamoto Satoshi announced the source code of bitcoin system
  • 3/January/2009, Nakamoto Satoshi launched Bitcoin network on the Internet
  • 22/May/2010, Bitcoin pizza Festival, one programmer traded 10,000 bitcoins for two great John pizza coupons. For the first time, bitcoin had a fair price: 10000 bitcoins cost $25
  • November/2011, Nakamoto Satoshi disappeared

Why Bitcoin

  1. Disintermediation: E-cash between individuals with no intervention of a trusted third-party intermediary
  2. Decentralization: This e-cash currency issuance does not need a centralized institution, but is completed by the code and community consensus

Why dose Bit coin need Block Chain

In the digital world, if we want to create a disintermediated and decentralized “e-cash”, we also need to design a complete financial system.

This system should be able to solve a series of problems as follows:

  • How can this “cash” be issued fairly and impartially without being controlled by any centralized institution or individual?
  • How to realize that just like in the physical world, one person can hand the cash directly to another person without any intermediary assistance?
  • How to “prevent counterfeiting” this kind of e-cash? Or how can an e-cash not be spent twice?

To solve the problems, Nakamoto developed Bitcoin system, which consists of 3 layers:

  1. Application layer. The top layer is bitcoin. This is the application layer of the whole system.
  2. Application protocol layer. The function of the middle layer is to issue bitcoin and handle the bitcoin transfer between users. This layer, also known as bitcoin protocol, is the application protocol layer of the whole system.
    1. Application layer. Transfer and bookkeeping functions
    2. Incentive layer. Issuance mechanism and distribution mechanism
    3. Consensus layer. POW(Proof Of Work)
  3. General protocol layer. At the bottom are bitcoin’s distributed ledgers and decentralized networks. This layer, also known as bitcoin blockchain, is the general protocol layer of the whole system.
    1. Network layer. P2P mechanism, broadcast mechanism, and verification mechanism
    2. Data layer. Block data(Hash), chain structure(Merkle Tree), and digital signature(Asymmetric encryption)

In the design of bitcoin system, Nakamoto creatively combines computer computing power competition with economic incentives to form a proof of work (POW) consensus mechanism, which enables mining computer nodes to complete the function of currency issuance and accounting in the calculation competition, as well as the operation and maintenance of blockchain ledger and decentralized network.

This forms a complete cycle: the mining machine mining (calculation power competition), the completion of decentralized accounting (operation system), and the economic incentive (economic reward) in the form of bitcoin.

Bitcoin’s workload proof consensus mechanism is a connecting layer, connecting the upper application and the lower technology: the upper layer is the issuance, transfer and anti-counterfeiting of e-cash; the lower layer is the node to the central network to reach an agreement and update the distributed ledger.

Definition of Blockchain

Blockchain is the technology of “value representation” and “value transfer” in the digital world. One side of blockchain coin is the encrypted digital currency or token representing value, and the other side is the distributed ledger and decentralized network for value transfer.

Blockchain is an underlying technology derived from bitcoin. In other words, bitcoin is the first successful application of blockchain technology.

When people talk about Blockchain, what do they mean:

  1. Blockchain refers to the data structure of bitcoin, that is, the chain formed by the connection of data blocks, which is also known as “distributed ledger”. In the bitcoin white paper, Nakamoto mentioned block and chain respectively, but later they were combined into the new term block chain.
  2. Blockchain refers to the combination of bitcoin’s distributed ledger and decentralized network. Corresponding to bitcoin system, it refers to the whole third layer of bitcoin blockchain.
  3. Blockchain refers to the combination of the second layer (bitcoin protocol) and the third layer (bitcoin blockchain) of bitcoin system. It includes distributed ledgers, decentralized networks and bitcoin protocols.
  4. Blockchain refers to the whole bitcoin system, including all three layers, including bitcoin with value representation and the whole system behind it. From this perspective, blockchain is regarded as a complete system including both technical and economic parts.

When referring to blockchain, ordinary people often refers to the fourth largest scope, namely “account book + Network + protocol + currency”. In the industry, when people refer to blockchain, they usually refer to the third scope, namely “account book + Network + Protocol”. When talking about blockchain, many software developers usually refer to the second range of “ledger + network”.


An evaluation index system refers to an organic whole with an internal structure composed of multiple indicators that characterize various aspects of the evaluation object and their interconnections.

Principles to be followed

In order to make the indicator system scientific and standardized, the following principles should be followed when constructing it:

  1. Systematic principle. There should be a certain logical relationship between the indicators. They should not only reflect the main characteristics and states of the ecological, economic and social subsystems from different aspects, but also reflect the internal relationship between the ecological, economic and social systems. Each subsystem is composed of a set of indicators, which are independent of each other and connected with each other to form an organic unity. The construction of the index system is hierarchical, from the top to the bottom, from the macro level to the micro level, forming an indivisible evaluation system.
  2. Typical principle. It is necessary to ensure that the evaluation indicators have certain typical representativeness, and reflect the comprehensive characteristics of the environment, economy and social changes in a specific region as accurately as possible. Even if the number of indicators is reduced, it is also necessary to facilitate data calculation and improve the reliability of the results. In addition, the setting of evaluation index system, the distribution of weight among indexes and the division of evaluation standard should be adapted to the natural and socio-economic conditions of a specific region.
  3. Dynamic principle. The interactive development of ecology, economy and social benefits can only be reflected through certain time scale indicators. Therefore, dynamic changes should be fully considered in the selection of indicators, and the change values of several years should be collected.
  4. Concise and scientific principle. The design of each index system and the selection of evaluation indexes must be based on the principle of scientificity, which can objectively and truly reflect the characteristics and conditions of Gaoxigou’s environmental, economic and social development, and can objectively and comprehensively reflect the real relationship between each index. Each evaluation index should be typical, not too many and too detailed, so that the index is too cumbersome and overlapping, and the index cannot be too few and too simple, so as to avoid the omission of index information, errors and untrue phenomena, and the data is easy to obtain and the calculation method is simple and easy to understand.
  5. Comparable, operable and quantifiable principle. In terms of indicator selection, special attention should be paid to the consistency within the overall scope. The construction of indicator system serves for the formulation of field assessment and scientific management. The calculation measures and calculation methods of indicator selection must be consistent and unified. Each indicator should be as simple and clear as possible, micro and easy to collect. Each indicator should be highly practical, operable and comparable. In addition, when selecting indicators, it is also necessary to consider whether quantitative processing can be carried out to facilitate mathematical calculation and analysis.
  6. Comprehensive principle. At the corresponding evaluation level, the factors affecting the environment, economy and social system are comprehensively considered, and comprehensive analysis and evaluation are carried out.

Features that should be possessed

And the constructed index system should possess these features:

  1. Perform a clear guidance direction
  2. Quantitative based and qualitative supplemented
  3. Difference classification considered

General construction process

  1. Building the theoretical foundation
  2. Provide empirical evidence
    1. Statistical data support
    2. Evidence from typical cases
    3. Reasonable interpretation of contradictory cases
  3. Verify operability

Representative evaluation system: 3E

3E theory refers to:

  • Efficacy, which measures its own output
  • Efficiency, which reflects the utilization of resources
  • Effectiveness, which reflects the effect of the system output on its superior system

3E system represents the trend of diversified development of performance evaluation system. Through the establishment of 3E standard system, the soft environment evaluation system is more scientific and transparent, and the efficiency and operability of performance evaluation are increased, which greatly promotes the improvement and development of public policy evaluation system.

Laura Sánchez-González, Félix García, Jan Mendling, Francisco Ruiz
Grupo Alarcos, Universidad de Castilla La Mancha
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Background and Motivation

Process improvement is recognized as the main benefit of process modelling initiatives. Quality considerations are important when conducting a process modelling project. While the early stage of business process design might not be the most expensive ones, they tend to have the highest impact on the benefits and costs of the implemented business processes. In this context, quality assurance of the models has become a significant objective.

Quality from the perspective of understandability and modifiability

The aim of our empirical research approach is to validate the connections between an extensive set of metrics (number of nodes, diameter, density, coefficient of connectivity, average gateway degree, maximum gateway degree, separability, sequentiality, depth, gateway mismatch, gateway heterogeneity, cyclicity and concurrency) and the ease with which business process models can be understood (understandability) and modified (modifiability).

null hypothesis: There is no correlation between structural metrics and understandability and modifiability

The structural metrics apparently seem to be closely connected with understandability and modifiability.

  1. For understandability these include Number of Nodes, Gateway Mismatch, Depth, Coefficient of Connectivity and Sequentiality.
  2. For modifiability Gateway Mismatch, Density and Sequentiality showed the best results.


After analyzing which measures are most useful, it is interesting to know what values of these measures indicate poor quality in models. That means, thresholds values could be used as an alarm of detecting low-quality structures in conceptual models.

The strength of the correlation of structural metrics with different quality aspects clearly shows the potential of these metrics to accurately capture aspects closely connected with actual usage.





实际情况 报告内容
组内5个人,只有1个评了A 组内有20%的员工拿了A
去年销售额占总公司1%,今年1.1% 销售额环比增长10%
去年一共接了2个订单,今年还没做完 客户存留率100%
去年一共接了2个订单,今年还没做完,又接了2单 全年订单数量翻番




实际情况 报告内容
去年销售额占总公司1%,今年1.1% 销售额实现两位数增长
去年一共接了2个订单,今年还没做完,又接了2单 订单数量增长速度极快




实际情况 报告内容
今年前边11个月销售额都环比增长10%,12月圣诞活动没搞好环比下降了5% 年销售额增长5%
组内销售任务每人10w,1人6w,4人12w 组内销售任务超额完成




实际情况 报告内容
游戏运营,玩家总数少了10w 新增玩家50w(流失60w就不说了)
新兴领域,一共10家公司 在领域内进入国内前10






Cristina Marquez, Marco Gramaglia, Marco Fiore, Alert Banchs, Xavier Costa-Perez
Universidad Carlos III Madrid
CNR-IEIIT (Institute of Electronics, Computer and Telecommunication Engineering, the National Research Council of Italy)
NEC Laboratories Europe


What is network slicing or background

Network slicing has profound implications on resource management, as it entails an inherent trade-off between:

(i) the need for fully dedicated resources to support service customization, and

(ii) the dynamic resource sharing among services to increase resource efficiency and cost-effectiveness of the system.

Why study it or what is the problem

While the technology needed to support this paradigm is well understood from a system standpoint, its implications in terms of efficiency are still unclear.

How to do

In this paper, we fill such a gap via an empirical study of resource management efficiency in network slicing.

Building on substantial measurement data collected in an operational mobile network

(i) we quantify the efficiency gap introduced by non-reconfigurable allocation strategies of different kinds of resources, from radio access to the core of the network, and

(ii) we quantify the advantages of their dynamic orchestration at different timescales.

As a result

Our results provide insights on the achievable efficiency of network slicing architectures, their dimensioning, and their interplay with resource management algorithms.



Current trends in mobile networks point towards a strong diversification of services, which are characterized by increasingly heterogeneous Key Performance Indicator (KPI) and Quality of Service (QoS) requirements.

current mobile network architectures lack the necessary flexibility to meet the ex- treme requirements imposed by such services.

Network virtualization and slicing

The agenda for 5G networks is to achieve this mainly via network virtualization, which evolves the traditional hardbox paradigm into a cloudified architecture where the once hardware-based network functions are implemented as software Virtual Network Functions (VNFs) running on a general-purpose telco-cloud. Network virtualization enables the deployment of multiple virtual instances of the complete network, named network slices.

Network slicing strategies. Deeper slices (A to E) reserve resources to services across a wider portion of the end-to-end network architecture, but reduce the space for unconstrained resource sharing.

Network slicing and resource management

When instantiating a slice, an operator needs to allocate sufficient computational and communication resources to its VNFs. In some cases, these resources may be dedicated, be- coming inaccessible to other slices. Alternatively,

Inherent trade-off

(i) service customization, which favours the deployment of specialized slices with tailored functions for each service and, possibly, dedicated and guaranteed resources;

(ii) resource management efficiency, which increases by dynamically shar- ing the resources of the common infrastructure among the different services and slices; and,

(iii) system complexity, resulting from deploying more dynamic resource allocation mechanisms that provide higher efficiency at the cost of em- ploying elaborate operation and maintenance functions.

Contribution of this paper

From a system standpoint, the technology needed to support the different types of slices is well understood or even already available.

Our aim is to shed light on the trade-offs between customization, efficiency, and complexity in network slicing, by evaluating the impact of resource allocation dynamics at different network points. Based on our analysis, it is thus possible to determine in which cases the gains in efficiency are worth the sacrifice in customization/isolation and/or the extra complexity. Since resource management efficiency in network slicing highly depends on the traffic patterns of different services supported by the various slices, we build on substantial service-level measurement data collected by a major operator in a production mobile network, and:

(i) quantify the price paid in efficiency when suitable algorithms for dynamic resource allocation are not available, and the operator has to resort to physical network duplication;

(ii) evaluate the impact of sharing resources at different
locations of the network, including the cloudified core, the virtualized radio access, or the individual antennas;

(iii) outline the benefit of dynamic resource allocation
at different timescales, i.e., allowing to reallocate resources across slices with different reconfiguration intervals


Network slicing scenario

The operator owning the infrastructure implements slices $s \in S$ , each dedicated to a different subset of services. Every network level $\ell$ is composed by a set $C_{\ell}$ of network nodes.

model the mobile network architecture as a hierarchy composed by a fixed number of levels ( $\ell=1, \ldots, L$ ) ordered from the most distributed ( $\ell=1$ ) to the most centralized ( $\ell=L$ )

Slice specifications

Denote a slice specification as:

\mathbb{Z}=(f, w)


(i) Guaranteed time fraction $f$ : the operator engages to guarantee that the traffic demand of the slice is fully serviced during at least a fraction $f \in[0,1]$ of time.

(ii) Averaging window length w: the operator commitment on fraction f above is intended on discrete-time demands of granularity w, with traffic averaged over the disjoint time windows of duration w.

average load over window k covering a time interval of the same name with duration w:

\bar{o} _ {c,s} (k)=\frac{1}{w}\int_{k}o_{c, s}(t)\mathrm{d}t

the amount of resources allocated to slice s at node c during window k:

r_{c, s}^{\mathbb{Z}}(k)

Resource allocation to slices

Let $F _ {s, c, n} ^ {w}$ be the Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF)
of the demand for slice s at node c during reconfiguration period k, averaged over windows of length w: then, the minimum $\hat{r} _ {c, s} ^ {\mathbb{Z}} (n)$
that satisfies Equation (1) can be computed as $\hat{r} _ {c, s} ^ {\mathbb{Z}} (n)=\left(F_{s, c, n}^{w}\right)^{-1}(f)$ .

\mathbb{R} _ {\ell, \tau} ^ {\mathbb{Z}} = \sum _ {s \in \mathcal{S}} \sum _ {\mathcal{C} \in C _ {\ell}} \sum_{n \in \mathcal{T}} \tau \cdot \hat{r} _ {c, s} ^ {\mathbb{Z}} (n)

The above equation represents the total amount of resources needed to meet slice specifications, under the possibility of dynamically re-configuring the allocation with periodicity $\tau$ .

Multiplexing efficiency

In perfect sharing, the allocated resources correspond to those required when there is no isolation among different services, hence traffic multiplexing is maximum. Formally,

\mathbb{P} _ {\ell, \tau} ^ {\mathbb{Z}} = \sum _ {c \in C_{\ell}} \sum _ {n \in \mathcal{T}} \tau \cdot \hat{r} _ {c} ^ {\mathbb{Z}} (n)

Multiplexing efficiency as the ratio between the resources required with network slicing and those needed under perfect sharing:

\mathbb{B} _ {\ell, \tau} ^ {\mathbb{Z}} = \mathbb{R} _ {\ell, \tau} ^ {\mathbb{Z}} / \mathbb{P} _ {\ell, \tau} ^ {\mathbb{Z}}


Our two reference urban regions are a large metropolis of
several millions of inhabitants, and a typical medium-sized city with a population of around 500,000, both situated in Europe. Service-level measurement data was collected in the target areas by a major operator with a national market share of around 30%. We leverage these real-world traffic demands to define network slices. Details are in Section 3.1.

On top of this, we model the hierarchical network infrastructures in the target regions by assuming that the operator deploys level- $\ell$ nodes so as to balance the offered load among them. This is discussed in Section 3.2.


We organise our evaluation as follows. First, we investigate worst-case settings where very stringent slice specifications are enforced, and no dynamic reconfiguration of resources is possible (Section 4.1). We then relax these constraints, and assess efficiency as slice specifications are softened (Section 4.2), or in presence of periodic resource orchestration (Section 4.3). Finally, we evaluate the impact of varied slice configurations (Section 4.4), and of a resource assignment accounting for instantaneous traffic demands (Section 4.5).


  1. Multi-service requires more resources
  2. Traffic direction is a factor
  3. Loose service level agreements may not help
  4. Dynamic resource assignment must also be rapid
  5. Aggregating services is beneficial
  6. Deployment is slightly more efficient than operation
  7. Urban topography has limited impact
  8. There is room for improvement